Livin’ the American stereotype


So last week was my second time around as cabin leader and overall I really enjoyed the week. My cabin was fairly easy, we had no one on ones and only 3 campers that needed total assist personal care. It was western week and we got to do lots of activities with them. I prefer working in the men’s cabins as they are a lot less whiny and have some real characters in them! We had a few issues (bursting colostomy bags, sick campers) and a bit of a huge camp tragedy during the week but I’ll tell you all about that when I’m home. Overall it was really good fun.

The weekend was super fun and was much needed to recover from the week (not that we end up sleeping much!) Me and Tora headed to Walmart with Alana and Kalie to stock up and then went to a milkshake and burger (so healthy obvs) drive thru. After that we headed to the local bar where everyone was at which was fun. The next day we headed into downtown Des Moines where we had a wander around the farmers market, went for lunch and to a few more bars. Some of us girls then headed to the mall (again I barely spent anything you should be proud!) then to one of the American girl’s house. We watched a movie and had a nap to get ready for sat evening where we went to a frat house party. One of the American guys that works in day camp lives there and it looks exactly like you’d imagine! Greek letters on the front and all. That was pretty cool and after lots of beer pong and chatting we headed back to camp.

The weather here has been really horrible. When I came in 2012 we maybe had 4 days of rain all summer – 2014 the storms seem to be coming in daily! Today we had another tornado warning in the middle of the day and had to move all our campers to the storm shelter. I am assistant cabin leader this week in a girls cabin and I’m struggling this week! Today I have been pretty sick and confined to a room in the nurses office most of the day. I was meant to do night duty but my group kicked me out and sent me to bed! Haha it is nice of them but I do feel so bad not doing anything just sleeping constantly. This week we have 4th July off so campers go home Thursday. Sounds awful but I am so looking forward to this weekend coming and finishing early!

Fingers crossed tomorrow will be a better day. Missing you all

Abby xxx





