Pontooning, tubing and almost the last week of camp!


So I’m sorry I’ve been slacking on the blog posts. It has been pretty manic recently and with lots of other stuff 2 weeks has just flown by and before I know it it’s the last week of camp!

So since I last posted, my first week I spent in an adult male cabin. It was a great cabin that was pretty easy and had some real funny characters. On the Monday night though I got asked to move cabins into the one next door that was a lot tougher and really struggling. I was a bit gutted but it turned out not to be so bad. They had a lot of campers that just like to wander off. Especially ones in the wheelchairs funnily enough. You’d turn away for 30 seconds, turn back to find them rolling down the meadow! All fun.

That weekend was super fun too as the entire group of staff went pontooning. It had been booked for ages but cancelled because of the weather and now we finally got to do it. We initially split up between 4 boats and then tied ourselves together and hopped between them for about 6 hours. We bought loads of food and drink and it was cool to just jump into the lake when you feel like it or just mingle with everyone.

Last week was ok, I was the cabin leader for a girls kids cabin. All was going well, our nightmare one on one didn’t show up on Sunday, we only had 8 campers – life was great! However, on Monday she showed (in the end she wasn’t as bad as her application made out but I wouldn’t describe her as a bundle of joy either.) On Monday night I spent the whole night with a high temperature and the following day the nurse kept me in with a fever and I was too I’ll to be allowed to work. The next day I woke up not feeling great but ready attempt work again but lasted all of half an hour before needing to head back to the nurse again. Felt very guilty as my cabin only had 4 staff including me as it was and it was all a bit stressful. By Thursday it was all good though and I headed back to my cabin to finish the week.

On the Friday a few of the girls all headed out to this hibachi restaurant where the chefs kind of put on a performance and cook all the food elaborately in front of you. It tasted soooo good. After, we headed downtown to meet up with the rest of the group and had a good night there. Saturday morning was an early start as we were up at 8 ready to spend the whole day tubing. We split up into cars driven by Americans and drove about 30 minutes to the massive river. From there we got an American school bus to the top of the river (which burst its tyre and broke on the way!) where we start. We headed into our dingys with our coolers of food and alcohol and spent about 6 hours floating down stream! It was fun to be with everyone and just spend a day chilling.

Again I’m writing this on my night duty. Not feeling fantastic which isn’t helped by the fact that the staff on night duty last night got a solid total of 30 minutes sleep. Dreading it is an understatement. Oh well, final week and all…let’s see how it goes!* Scary to think it’s almost all over now – 9 weeks seem to have flown by!

Speak soon x

*just FYI, it was a terrible night as expected!











4th July!

So another week passed and it got a lot better as it went on! Though the girls were super whiny, once I felt better I was able to just get on with it a lot better and make the most of it. We had some funny moments and it was also really nice to work with some other staff that I’ve never worked with before. It was also an extra special week because we got Friday off for 4th July! Having a whole 2 days off became a big deal at camp. On the Thursday night we did our usual Friday routine and went to the local bar to grab some dinner and drinks. On Friday we all headed into downtown Des Moines where there was a big festival going on for Independence Day. We all mooched about and grabbed some free stuff, getting some drinks then listening to music and playing ping pong. Much later in the evening everyone went to a club and we all got back early in the morning. On Saturday we went to the Cheesecake Factory and the mall which was fun before snuggling up with everyone and watching a film in the evening. Not a lot to write to you about really! Sorry it’s a bit boring!

This week is another kids week and it is ‘superhero and fantasy’ week. So far it has been so much fun dressing up and actually having groups that are energetic and want to do all the activities! I had night duty last night and for the first time ever I actually had a great shift! Only a few changes to do in the night but I reckon it’s probably one of the best sleeps I’ve had at camp. Looking forward to the rest of the week with my cabin of tiny boys but will definitely be exhausted by the end of it!

I have also now booked my flights to Vegas and New Orleans. Think we’re heading to Orlando afterwards before leaving back from Chicago. Can’t wait!










