Best week ever

Hello hello

So I think the week just gone has probably one of my all time favourites at camp! It was superhero week with kids and so there was loads of dress up and fun activities to do. I was in a boys cabin this week full of mainly tiny little cute ones! One was 4…4!! So so adorable. Being kids they wanted to get involved in every activity and were so happy and eager for anything which made the days just fly by. I had a few favourites for sure and was definitely a bit upset to see them go! One day I was off on my break and he starts following me. I say “go back to the group, I’ll be back in a few hours” so he puts a grumpy face on and heads back to one of my friends. He asks her “where’s abby going?” She says “on her break, for a nap”. He just replies: “OK. I go too. See you later.” So cute!! It was a great week.

At the weekend we did our usual routine. We all went out for dinner together which was nice but definitely had another eyes bigger than tummy moment (seems to happen every time I eat out here) and we all ended up eating sooo much food. Be prepared to greet a whale when you pick me up from the airport.

On Saturday the weather was overcast but hot so we went out for lunch and a small group of us headed to the water park to just chill for a few hours. One day off a week leaves you absolutely knackered when you’re working 16 hours a day for the other 6. After the water park I headed into downtown Des Moines with a lot of the people from camp for one of the girls’ birthday. Tora and Alana weren’t feeling well which was a shame but I got to spend some time with new people from camp which was good. It was a really fun night and I surprisingly felt not too bad for work on Sunday morning!

This week has been more challenging but good. I am in an adult make cabin and it is nice that everyone seems to stay with the group and we don’t have too many wanderers and no one on ones which makes life easier. I just got told however that they’re moving me to another cabin for the rest of the week which is a hell of a lot harder. Full of wanderers and men are often aggressive – wahoo! Leadership did try to compliment me into it, saying they picked me for my ‘organisational skills and being such a great staff member they need you’ but I’m not so sure I’m buying into it! Bit gutted but really gonna try and stay positive and hope the cabin is a lot more manageable and so therefore fun with me in it.

I’m on night duty now so I better get off to sleep before I get woken up soon enough. Hope you’re all good, love and miss you lots xxx






