Goodbye Wellington, Hello Queenstown!

So….we have now left Wellington! It’s been great for last 2 and a half months. I’ve enjoyed working at the cinema and meeting loads of new people but it’s time to leave the Windy City ;(literally, the wind is crazy) and move on. It was sad leaving Alana at the airport but not too bad as she’ll be coming to live in England soon 🙂 sorry the blog had not been updated in a long while but nothing really top exciting has been going on! Last week we did go and meet my dads cousin on the Kapiti Coast which was nice, very scenic and a good meal! But our train back broke down and it took us almost 3 hours to get home. Had a bad encounter with a verryyyy rude train lady and it all ended with the train driver giving us a lift home. An unusual evening! Hopefully the blogs should be a bit more regular from now on. 

So we’re now in Queenstown! After an early start today we caught the plane down to the South Island. Check-in was weird in the sense there was no check-in… No security, just stepped straight on the plane! Then we had a bit of worry as the weather wasn’t that great and half way through the flight they said that we may have to turn around and land back in Christchurch! But it managed to clear up and we landed all good. Queenstown is A LOT colder than I was expecting. In New Zealand it’s turning to autumn now but jeeeees this is cold! The scenery though is amazing and we’ve already planned lots of exciting things for this week. Today we grabbed some lunch and headed for a little game of crazy golf where I almost almostttt beat Steve. Jammy thing got a hole in one at the end though and nabbed himself a free game. Then we went into the town and booked some things to do. Tomorrow we’ll be going downhill mountain biking – you get a gondola to the top of the mountain and take different tracks down for 4 hours. Then on Friday we’ve got our canyoning that Mum and Dad got me for my birthday and Sunday we’ve got the white water rafting my Grandad and James and Layla got me. For Monday we’ve booked something terrifying that has possibly bankrupted me in the process. But a once in a lifetime may-as-well-do-it-as-never-gonna-get-another-chance experience. Going to bungee jump the highest bungee in New Zealand and 4th biggest in the WORLD – a casual 143 METRES followed by a 300 metre sky swing. AHHHH! So a lot to look forward to and a hell of a lot to be scared for.

This evening we went to a famous burger place in Queenstown, which was queuing waayy out the door, like half way down the street! Supposed to be amazing and it definitely lived up to expectations! I know burgers can’t get all that exciting but I think that’s probably the nicest one I’ve ever had! If you ever go to Queenstown make sure you get a FergBurger!

Later on we planned on joining a pub crawl but it turned out to be a bit rubbish so we went to the ice bar on our own instead. Had the whole place to ourselves! Was pretty cool but predictably freezing, but made coming outside feel that much warmer. Off to bed now to get some sleep before our early start tomorrow. 

If I manage to survive all these activities the next blog post should be a great one! 

Hope everyone is well, miss you all lots xxxxx

P.S. Just got back from mountain biking – probably my most hated activity in life ever!! Haha will update you more kart on but it was supposed to last 4 hours and I only lasted 1 before giving up and throwing my bike back at the rental man! 😂Don’t think that one’s for me!