First week done and I’ve finished my degree!


So orientation week is over and it was really fun. We basically just did loads of team building games as well as training on various aspects like CPR, abuse, lifting and changing procedures etc. We would normally have Saturdays off but this week we worked as the campers that come at weekends were having their annual prom. It was really fun, we got to decorate the hall and get them all dressed up in gowns and suits. (We were also made to don some pretty hideous outfits…) They were SO excited, we had a big dinner with individually wrapped little burgers and chips (obviously super healthy) and the whole place we set out like an old school 50’s diner. Afterwards we had a dance, which they all absolutely loved. I saw two of my absolute favourite campers there and after not seeing them for 2 years it felt amazing to be back with them and see how they’ve changed (or stayed exactly the same!) I can’t publish any photos taken but there is a link here that you should be able to find a few if you wanted to

So I am now second day into my first week of full time campers. I have been made assistant cabin leader which I’m pretty chuffed about but it is proving quite hard work and a lot more responsibility! My cabin is small boys with a range of special needs. It is great but guaranteed always manic, feeling knackered already! We finally got them to sleep around midnight yesterday and they were up at 6 this morning. I’m currently on my break after a 14 hour stretch and have about 30 mins left until my night duty starts. Fingers crossed I get a bit more than the hour and a half sleep the staff got last night in the cabin (I’m hoping we have started to exhaust them by now!)

Oh and I also found out today I now have a 2:1 in BA English (hons). Wahoooooo! Uni finished! (For a year at least until the masters hopefully starts!)

Hope everyone is well, missing you all x



4 thoughts on “First week done and I’ve finished my degree!

  1. sounds a lot of hard work and really manic but fun Enjoy looking after the little fellas.Hope you do nor get too sleep deprived! very proud of my daughter Abby Gowing BA hon!!

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